
  • 6 min read
In this guide we will show you how to achieve your own Viking beard style.

Beards were popular among Nordic men during the Viking Age. The Viking Beard is characterized by its long, flowing style and was often decorated with beads or braids.

Viking beards were not only a fashion statement but also had practical purposes. They helped keep the wearer's face warm in cold climates, and they probably also added to the fearsome look that a warrior would bring to battle.

The significance of the beard as an important part of Scandinavian culture is clear from many names given to men with facial hair, like Silk-Beard and Forkbeard. In Norse sagas we hear about how these warriors were feared throughout Europe for their fierce demeanor; but it wasn't just because they wore armor or carried weapons either--it was also due to what grew on them!

Here we look at how Vikings grew and maintained their beards, and the styles they used that you can adopt today to give you a real tough Viking look.

Viking Beard Styles

Modern culture has a clear sense of the Viking beard style, with several variations. It can be long and full, or braided, sometimes with beard jewelry. Or even in the increasingly popular Viking goatee style.

So clearly you have many options to mix and match to achieve your own unique Viking look. You can go for the wild and shaggy look or the more neat and tidy style. It all comes down to what style you feel most comfortable with and what works best with your facial features.

Let's take a closer look at some of the most popular Viking beard styles today:

Viking Beard Styles

The Full Viking Beard

This is probably the most iconic of all long Viking beard styles, and it's also the easiest to achieve. All you need is to let your facial hair grow out for a few weeks until you have a full, thick beard.

Once you have a good amount of growth, you can start to shape and style it. Use a comb to brush it down and make sure it's evenly distributed. Then you can start to trim it to the length you want. It's best to use scissors for this rather than an electric razor, as it gives you more control.

A More Styled Viking Beard

Once you have the basic shape sorted, you can then start to experiment with different styles. One popular option is to wear your beard in a braid. This was a popular style among Viking warriors, as it helped to keep the beard out of the way in battle.

To achieve this look, you will need to divide your beard into three sections and then plait them like you would with hair. If you're not sure how to do this, there are plenty of tutorials online that can show you how.

Another option is to add beads or other jewelry to your beard. This was also a popular style among the Viking warriors and was used as a way of showing off their achievements in battle. The beads were often made from bone, wood, or metal, and they were strung together using animal hair or sinew.

If you want to add beads to your beard, you will need to divide your beard into small sections and then thread the beads onto each section. You can then tie the sections together or braid them, depending on the look you're going for.

The Viking Goatee

If you don't want to grow a full beard, then you could opt for the short Viking beard or goatee style instead.

To achieve this look, you will need to shave the hair on your cheeks and sideburns so that only the hair on your chin remains. You can then grow and style this hair into a goatee.Viking Beards

Growing a Viking Beard

Once you let your facial hair grow, it's important to take care of it. If left unchecked the follicles on our faces can grow wiry products that are difficult (if not impossible) to remove without professional assistance! That being said once we get past a certain point in terms of length or density there becomes an even stronger threat from scraggliness - which isn't really something any man wants near his face whether clean-shaven OR bearded.

How Long Does it Take to Grow a Viking Beard?

We are often asked - how long does it take to grow a Viking beard? Unfortunately there is no straight answer. Beards will grow at different rates for different men. In addition some may grow straighter and bushier, while others grow in multiple directions and need more trimming. One way to estimate would be to measure the amount it has grown in a month and then use that to calculate how long it will take to get your desired length. eg if it grows a 1/2 inch in 1 month, then it will take around 6 months to grow a 3-inch beard, and 20 months to grow a 10-inch beard.

These are the six important tips you need if know if you want to grow a Viking beard.

Tip 1 - Visit a Good Barber - Often

Growing a Viking Style beard is a reason to visit your barber more often - not less. If you don't trim your beard you will get split ends and the beard will appear frizzy, and a long way from the Norse look you are after. Split ends may also slow down the growth of your beard. A good regular trim from a barber who knows what he is doing will promote healthy, faster beard growth, and make sure it looks better as it grows out.

Tip 2 - Care for it at Night

After you shower at night treat it to some beard oil or beard cream. This will keep it hydrated and conditioned so that it doesn't dry out or become brittle and break.

Tip 3 - Keep it Clean

You should wash your beard 2-3 times a week. You can find beard cleaning soaps from many companies.... but the truth is any mild shampoo works just as well, so save your money!

Tip 4 - Moisturize

Not only should the beard hair be moisturized, but the skin underneath should be as well. Here is a good guide to this from the American Academy of Dermatology

Tip 5 - Eat for your Beard

Just as your body looks and feels better when you eat healthy, so will your beard. Eat plenty of lean non-saturated fat proteins such as fish, white meat, eggs and pulses, with just a little red meat. Also make sure you are consuming healthy fat from fish such as salmon, as well as avocados, bananas, etc.

Tip 6 - Train your Beard

Comb out your beard each day - at least 2-3 times a day - and train it to grow in the shape you need,

Doing this as a daily routine and over time the beard will be trained to go where you need to cover up and "bald" patches.

Viking Beard Beads

Viking beard beads were used to denote status, and were often made from amber, wood or bronze. They were also used as an indication of wealth. The more beads a Viking had in his beard, the wealthier he was seen to be.

Checkout some great examples of Viking Beard Beads.

Viking Beard Beads from Viking Warrior

Braided Beards

The Viking beard braid was used to keep the beard out of the way, and was often decorated with beads or other items. The braid could also be used to indicate status.

To create a Viking beard braid, first comb your beard using a beard comb so that it is smooth and free of tangles. Then, divide the beard into three sections. Take one of the outside sections and cross it over the middle section. Then, take the other outside section and cross it over the newly formed middle section. Continue braiding until you reach the end of the beard. Secure the braid with a hair tie or barrette.

Now that you know how to grow and style a Viking beard, there is no excuse not to try it out for yourself!

Check out our selection of Viking beard beads.